Become a Vibe Elevating Superhero

Your sensitivity is a gift.

Your vision of what’s possible is beautiful! 💐 A compassionate, joy filled world where we love each other and lift each other up despite our differences. 


Holding this vision inspires you…


..until you’re at a holiday party and your grinch brother in law squashes it with a hopeless monologue drenched in slurs and stereotypes.


You find yourself wishing you weren’t so sensitive.


But I have great news.


There is a way to hold your light in all situations.


When you learn this, your light will become much more infectious than any fear filled story. You’ll use your sensitivity to connect to your intuitionunderstand others better, and send waves of inspiration without losing yourself. 


Here are a few holiday tips to get you started: 🎁


  • Ask your inner guidance for help: At the beginning of the day, place your hands on your heart and verbally share your intention for the day. Use your own words. Here's an example:

“My intention is to remain compassionate and connected to light today. Help me be kind with myself and focus my attention on the light. When someone expresses negativity near me, help me remember that they're suffering and don't let me take their reactions personally. May I hold space and mentally offer compassion instead of taking on the fear of others.”

  • Remove yourself from harmful situations: Sensitive people can stay in negative situations because of guilt. By not wanting to hurt others feelings, you end up hurting yourself instead. If you need, allow yourself to say, “That’s interesting. I don’t see things that way” and kindly excuse yourself from the conversation. It’s okay to give yourself space.

  • Offer compassion from a distance: Remember everyone is doing what they think will make them happy. Don’t get stuck judging others - it will drain you more. Instead offer them compassion from a distance.

  • Take care of your own needs: We all want unconditional love. The only one who can truly offer it to you, is YOU! Take time to listen to your inner kid, offer it kindness and compassion and create healthy boundaries when needed.

You were born to bring a download of unconditional love to this planet 


With yoga knowledge and self-care tools you’ll learn to stay connected to your light no matter what's going on around you. Then you’ll begin to experience the incredible gifts of your sensitivity.


I’m offering two beautiful self-care events this month: 


Restorative Gong Bath | December 14, 7:30pm @ Yoga Centre Wpg, and

Holiday Meditation + Kirtan | December 16th, 7:00pm @ Yoga Centre Wpg.


as well as my regular classes. 


You can save your spots here.

I hope to see you on the mat soon!

Much love,


PS - Sick of your super powers lying idle?  Join me for the Abhyasa Living Yoga program beginning February 24th. These three months of practice and study will completely change your relationship with the world around you. Learn more here