Infinite Patience - A true Holiday Gift

Today I shared a talk on the meaning of Christmas from a yoga perspective. There are many gifts that don’t come in boxes. One of these is patience. Wouldn’t you like some?

I struggled with back pain for over a decade and tried EVERYTHING to heal it - osteopaths, pilates, psychics, shark cartilage????? (I’m sorry sharks 😔 I wasn’t plant based back then.) All my searching was on the outside…

Then one day, standing in line at Starbucks I had the awareness, “my back hurts.” I also realized my entire body and MIND were tense. My weight was in my toes, my knees were locked and I was feeling incredibly impatient. I softened my knees, dropped my weight into my feet, let my breath out and instantly felt some relief. That was the first of many times I realized I suffer more when I’m impatient.

I’ve been wondering lately…

Why are we so impatient?

The biggest triggers of impatience in me seem to be:

  1. Attachment, and

  2. Unworthiness

When my mind imagines something outside of me will make me happier I become attached to getting it asap. My body and mind start rushing making my current moment less pleasant. Current contentment is traded for potential future happiness….such a silly trade:)

Or, I rush when my little ego self is worried it’s not worthy or doing enough. Many of us were taught we need to EARN God’s love. This outdated belief fills the body with fear and impatience as we rush to remedy the situation harming ourselves and others along the way.

Here is the best news….


Impatience and unworthiness are man made The divine is not in a rush. Sri Dharma often says,

“Nature refuses to be rushed. She can only be made to evolve and that takes time, so take heart.”

Through reflection on yoga wisdom and meditation we begin to realize everything is unfolding perfectly. There may be things in your life that you’d like to be different but be patient…with time they will be. There was likely an older version of you that longed to be where you are right now.

How would things change if you could offer patience towards yourself?

If you believed the divine has infinite patience for you as you evolve?

May we all offer ourselves lasting gifts like patience and self-acceptance this holiday season that bring us closer to living the peace we truly are.💖

“The redeeming Christ intelligence abiding in the bosom of every soul REGARDLESS of its bodily accumulation of sins or virtues, waits with infinite patience for each one to awaken in meditation”

~ Yogananda, The Yoga of Jesus